Friday, June 21, 2019

Full Moon in June--Levitating with Iyengar

Full Moon in June

Levitating with Iyengar—“By mastery of udana vayu, the yogi can walk over water, swamps and thorns without touching them. S/he can also levitate.” Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras III.40, Iyengar translation

Sometimes I wonder how it felt for BKS Iyengar to put himself on a plane and travel for the first time out of India. It’s been mentioned to me that devout Brahmins (he was of that tribe) do not allow their kin to travel out of the motherland. Krishnamacharya, BKS’s guru, never went abroad, though his son, Desikachar did. There is a fine new biography of BKS Iyengar by Rashmi Palkhivala, called “A Life of Light.”

The story of Guruji’s first trip overseas is told in Chapter Eleven, “The Flight of the Yogl.”  The Brahmin prohibition against crossing the seas is based on the belief that the ocean is a resting place for gods and they should never be disturbed. Iyengar did check with his mother, who gave her blessing for his trip, though his uncles vowed that their nephew would never enter their homes again.

The year was 1954. Iyengar had an invitation from Menuhin, who called him “my best violin teacher”, because after working with Iyengar, Menuhin could play again as his serious back pain resolved. Iyengar’s destination was Gstaad, Switzerland. The entire family and some faithful students came to the airport in Mumbai to see him off. This was the fateful journey that opened so many doors for him and for his teaching, and for yoga in the west. Palkhivala’s biography tells the sad story of how emaciated Iyengar was after returning home, since at that time there was little understanding of the vegetarian diet. The story is sadder still, because the hotel administration at the Gstaad establishment where he stayed insisted that he stay in his room so as not to disturb other guests, who were not used to seeing people of color there. Staying in his room was even a compromise, because at first, the staff would not even let him enter. Only pressure from Menuhin led to the “solution.”

Now I’m circling back to the Yoga Sutras and Iyengar’s commentary on Patanjali’s work.  In the second chapter, which is entitled the chapter “on practice”, there is a sutra (33) which describes what is to be done in the face of principles which run contrary to Yama and Niyama, the great moral and ethical vows of yoga. Iyengar’s translation: “Principles which run contrary to Yama and Niyama are to be countered with the knowledge of discrimination.” I think Bryant’s rendering is also helpful here: “Upon being harassed by negative thoughts, one should cultivate contracting thoughts.” Iyengar’s commentary on the sutra includes a discussion of the measuring process we call “paksha pratipaksha”—applying counteracting thoughts. He says “This is in some respects the key to why yoga practice actually works, why it has mechanical power to revolutionize our whole being. It is why asana is not gymnastics, why pranayama is not deep breathing, why dhyana is not self-induced trance, why Yama is not just morality…. We are taught nowadays that the miracle of the world’s ecosystem is its balance, a balance which modern man is fast destroying by deforestation, pollution, over-consumption. This is because when man becomes unbalanced, he seeks to change not himself but his environment, in order to create the illusion that he is enjoying health and harmony. In winter he overheats his house, in summer he freezes it with air-conditioning. This is not stability but arrogance.”

We all realize how many times after 1954 Iyengar crossed the oceans of the world. He did, however, realize that though his Brahmin tribe believed that the gods in the ocean must not be disturbed, with his mother’s permission, he travelled to share the art and science of yoga with the rest of the world. His last airplane journey may have been to China, where he taught at a convention in 2011. 

Now the world faces a tipping point in so many ways. All my reading and research in the last almost five years (since my granddaughter was born) indicates that yesterday was the time to take action on our global climate crisis. In our yoga community, we have a system that depends on people flying around the country for assessments. Surely we can by now find a better way to assess that will bring less harm to the atmosphere. There is a movement afoot to encourage academics to travel less to conferences. With all our technologies available for video conferencing, we should be able to solve this puzzle of feeling as though we need to fly people or fly ourselves around the globe many times a year. A statistic I saw recently said that every roundtrip ticket from New York to London melts three cubic meters of Arctic Ice.

Countries with smaller economies than ours are at greater risk as we go through this transition to carbon neutrality (I hope and pray we are on the way). All this is on my mind as I go through June remembering how last year we were preparing for a journey to Pune, and prepare myself to fly to teach in Costa Rica. This will, at least, be the last time I teach there, and though it is an inspiring country to visit (they plan to be carbon neutral amazingly soon—maybe by 2025, if I remember correctly), I can live comfortably in Austin, or wherever I have to be.

May all beings flourish!

Monday, June 10, 2019

New Moon in June, 2019

New Moon in June, 2019

Wear Orange Weekend is just over. Historical background: Orange is the color that Hadiya Pendelton’s friends wore in her honor when she was shot and killed in Chicago at the age of 15. She died one week after performing at President Obama’s second inaugural parade in 2013. After Hadiya’s death, her friends asked that those of us who want to raise awareness of gun violence and raise the cry for legislation to curb the virus of senseless shootings also wear orange to honor her memory.

Enough history. If you want to support this effort, read a history of the second amendment (a good one is: “The Second Amendment” by Michael Waldman)   and a history of the National Rifle Association (a good one is: “Gunfight—The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America” by Adam Winkler). I’m on my way to the library this morning to pick up copies of the recently published “Fight Like a Mother” by Shannon Watts, mother of the nonprofit “mothers for common sense gun control”—, and "Guns Down: How to Defeat the NRA and Build a Safer Future with Fewer Guns" by Igor Volsky ( one of the founders of

If Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand can lead her country to common sense gun legislation we can do the same in the United States. This is my firm belief. Unfortunately I live in Texas, where a bill was introduced during this most recent legislative session to create a statewide “gun safety awareness month.” The fact that there was opposition to this initiative is frankly beyond belief, but there was—this is Texas, after all. In my darker moments I see all our cold dead hands holding our cold spent weapons.

Recently I’ve been reviewing the writings and sermons and speeches of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior. In a nutshell, he studied the writings and lives of other great leaders whose methods were nonviolent, chief among them Mahatma Gandhi. King often emphasized that three forces fuel the darkness in the world: poverty, racism and militarism. To get concrete here, what we can do to ease the situation, if we care at all, is tithe part of our incomes to worthy causes that fight poverty, educate ourselves about racism (see the prior blog) and perhaps start another War Tax Resisters’ movement.

These are my thoughts this morning, inspired partly by Caroline Serich’s post about the experience of santosa or contentment in yoga practice
: “I became present to a ‘do nothing’ feeling arising in me and ever so gently the awareness of contentedness, realizing that that contentedness is always present, the me of contentedness, although not always connected to it! This me of contentedness was not subject to the political quagmire of today’s world and the dire circumstances of climate change or the destruction of the planet’s biodiversity. It is undisturbed, unequivocally peaceful. And it is also not permission to be disconnected or even detached from world events. Rather it is the underpinning of clarity, the strength to act where action is needed.”

None of us has permission right now to be disconnected, partly because it is impossible.